The Board appoints the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who supervises the Company’s operational management in accordance with the Limited Liability Companies Act with the instructions and guidelines provided by the Board. The CEO ensures that the accounting practices of the Group comply with the law and that the financial management of the group has been arranged in a reliable manner. The CEO ensures that the Board has sufficient information to assess the Company’s operations and financial situation. The CEO is responsible for the accomplishment of the Board’s decisions and reports the results to the Board.
The CEO may undertake acts which, considering the scope and nature of the operations of the Company, are unusual or extensive, only with the authorisation of the Board.
The CEO of the parent company Wulff Group Plc also acts as the Group’s CEO and as the Chairman of the Group Executive Board.
Elina Rahkonen started as the Wulff Group Plc’s CEO on September 30, 2019.
Group Executive Board
Group Executive Board’s duties and working methods
The Group Executive Board led by the Group CEO is responsible for the Group’s operations in practice. The Group Executive Board convenes regularly to analyse and evaluate the financial and business performance as well as the key development initiatives of both segments. The management team has no official statutory position but, in practice, it has a significant role in the organisation of the Company management.
Based on the CEO’s proposal, the Board of Directors confirms the composition and new nominations to the Group Executive Board.
The Managing Directors of subsidiaries are in charge of the business operations in each subsidiary. Significant decisions, such as significant investments, are subject to the Group CEO’s approval. Each subsidiary has its own financial administration, while the Group’s Chief Financial Officer has responsibility of group-wide financial administration.
The segments’ financial reports and the situation of the businesses’ key development projects are on the agenda of the Group Executive Board which convenes on a tertial basis.
Group Executive Board Members
The Group Executive Board consists of the following members:
Elina Rahkonen

b. 1979
Wulff Group Plc CEO, Chairman of the Executive Board.
Wulff Group Plc’s CEO.
Education, experience and other significant positions:
- Master of Science in Economics
- Wulff Group Plc CEO since 9/2019
- Olas Group Oy, Board Member since 4/2023
- LapWall Oyj, Board Member since 3/2023
- Kreate Group Oyj, Board Member since 1/2020
- Aallon Group Ltd CEO 2018–2019
- Ahlsell Ltd CFO 2017–2018
- Wulff Group Plc CFO 2014–2017 and interim CEO 2016–2017
- Deloitte & Touche Ltd auditor (APA) 2011–2014
- Other financial management functions 2002–2011
- Wulff ownership as of December 31, 2022: 40,000 Wulff shares representing 0.6% of the company’s shares and votes.
Iiris Pohjanpalo

b. 1980
Wulff Group Plc Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Secretary of the Board of Directors and Executive Board Member from August 21, 2023.
Finance, Investor Communications, Secretary of the Board of Directors.
Education, experience and other significant positions:
- Master of Science in Economics
- Wulff Group Plc, CFO, Secretary of the Board of Directors and Executive Board Member from August 21, 2023
- Nurminen Logistics Plc, CFO 2020-2023
- Nurminen Logistics Plc, Director Group Business Control 2019-2020
- Fira Group Ltd, Group Controller 2017-2019
- Diacor Healthcare Ltd, Business Controller 2014-2017
- VR-Group Ltd, Controller 2009-2011
- Accenture Ltd, Management Consultant 2007-2009
- Wulff ownership as of 30.6.2023: 0 shares.
Trond Fikseaunet

b. 1963
Wulff Supplies AB’s Managing Director, Executive Board Member.
Wulff Supplies AB’s management, development of Scandinavia’s Contract Customer operations.
Substantial education, experience and positions of trust:
- Wulff Group Plc, Executive Board Member since 2011
- Wulff Supplies AB, Managing Director since 2009
- Strålfors, various positions 1998–2009, Member of Management Group, and Scandinavian Director in Supplies business area 2006–2009
- Strålfors Norway, Managing Director 2002–2006
- 3M, Sales and Marketing Manager 1986–1998
- Wulff ownership as of December 31, 2021: 0 shares
Tarja Törmänen

b. 1974
Communications and Marketing Director, Executive Board Member.
Marketing communications, sustainability and HR as well as their development.
Substantial education and experience and other significant positions:
- Specialist Qualification in Marketing Communications
- NLP Trainer, NLP Coach, CxO Certified Business Mentor
- Stepfamily Association of Finland, Board Member since 2021
- Era Nova Bookshop Oy, Chairman of the Board since 2/2018
- Wulff Group Plc, Executive Board Member since 2009
- Wulff Group Plc, Communications and Marketing Director since 2009
- Finnish NLP Association, Board Member 2007-2018, Chairman of the Board since 2018-2021, Board Member since 2021
- Wulff Group Plc, Communications Manager/Brand Manager 2002-2009
- Vista Communication Instruments Ltd, Office Manager 2001–2002
- Previta Ltd, Communications Manager 2000–2001
- Beltton Group, Brand Manager 1999–2000
- Wulff ownership as of December 31, 2022: 1,600 Wulff shares representing 0.0% of the company’s shares and votes.